鱼油软胶囊oem加工|Fish Oil Softgel Ca

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-11-22 21:33
14.50元/ 瓶
96 瓶
900000 瓶

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:777
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    If you just want to buy fish oil capsule, please contat us at 874562522@qq.com

    All of ou poducts ae cetified by GMP,MA, please be est assued to make a deal with us, we offe you low pice and best sevice, in addtion by instant delivey within 24 hous afte payment. Welcome you enquies.

    Poduct name:Fish oil softgel capsule



    Featues:Omega 3 fatty acids ae essential and must be supplied to the body though ou nouishment.The Omega 3 fatty acid "EPA" is pimaily involved in the egulation of cell functions. "DHA" is pedominately build into the cell membanes. Omega 3 fatty acids ae essential fo neonatal gowth and the development of a nomal cental nevous system.

    Main fuctions:

    1.Enhance memoy and impove language skills;

    2.Regulation of Blood System;

    3.Immune & Anti-Fatigue;

    4.Potect eyesight and pevent myopia and amblyopia, estain vision dopping and elieve eye stain;

    5.Activate bain and futheextend bain neve,incease bain capacity.

    USAGE:2pills pet time, twice a day.

    Contents:DHA20.1g; EPA13.0g pe 100g( It is the best highe content in all fish oil capsule)

    DHA helps to slow and stop the aging pocess of the bain,DHA helps maintain the health and nomal development of neve cells, enhances memoy.DHA helps neuodevelopment and visual acuity.EPAhelp ceate Postaglandins in the blood,educe atheoscleosis status, help to educe Cholesteol in blood, peventing heat.Additional content is essential Vitamins A, E maintain the beauty of skin, hai.



